College Calculators
- How much should I be saving for college?
- Will I be able to pay back my student loans?
- Advantages of the Coverdell ESA.
- Advantages of a 529 College Savings Plan
- What is the value of a college education?
- What are the payments on a parental (PLUS) loan?
- Should I live on campus, off campus or at home?
- When should I begin saving for childs college?

Credit Calculators
- How long will it take to pay off my credit card(s)?
- How long until my loan is paid off?
- What would my loan payments be?
- Do I have too much debt?
- Should I consolidate my personal debt?
- What is the balance owing on my loan?
- Re-structuring debts for accelerated payoff
- Which is better, cash up front or payments over time?
- What is the impact of making extra debt payments?
- Should I pay off debts or invest the money?

Cash Flow Calculators
- How does inflation impact my standard of living?
- How much am I spending?
- How much do I need for emergencies?
- Should I pay down debt or invest more?
- How long will my money last?
- Should my spouse enter the work force?
- What is my current net worth?
- What is my projected net worth?
- What is my current cash flow?
- What is my projected cash flow?
- Historical inflation - Compare purchasing power
- Value of reducing or foregoing expenses.

Insurance Calculators
- What is my life expectancy?
- What are my needs for burial and final expenses?
- How much disability income insurance do I need?
- How much life insurance do I need?
- What are the chances of becoming disabled?
- What are my long-term care insurance needs?
- How much will I earn in my lifetime?
- What are the tax advantages of an annuity?
- How long will my current life insurance proceeds last?
- What is the future value of an annuity?

Investment Calculators
- How should I allocate my assets?
- Compare taxable vs. tax-free investment return
- What is the value of a bond?
- What is the return on my real estate investment?
- What is the value of compound interest?
- What is the value of a call or put option?
- Taxable vs. tax-advantaged saving comparison.
- What is my risk tolerance?
- What is the long-term impact of increased return?
- Certificate of deposit (CD) analyzer
- What is the dividend yield on a stock?
- How do expenses impact mutual fund returns?
- Certificate of deposit (CD) laddering strategy

Home & Mortgage Calculators
- How much home can I afford?
- Should I refinance my home mortgage (breakeven)?
- Mortgage calculator
- Comparing mortgage terms (i.e. 15, 20, 30 year)
- Should I pay discount points for a lower interest rate?
- Should I rent or buy a home?
- Should I convert to a bi-weekly payment schedule?
- Compare a no-cost vs. traditional mortgage
- What are the tax savings generated by my mortgage?
- Which is better, fixed or adjustable-rate mortgage?
- Adjustable rate mortgage calculator
- How do closing costs impact the interest rate?
- Compare an interest-only vs. traditional mortgage
- How much can I borrow from my home equity (HELOC)?

Paycheck & Benefits Calculators
- How will payroll adjustments affect my take-home pay?
- Convert my salary to an equivalent hourly wage.
- Convert my hourly wage to an equivalent salary.
- What is the future value of my employee stock options?
- Should I exercise my "in-the-money" stock options?
- What may my 401(k) be worth?
- What is the impact of increasing my 401(k) contribution?
- What may my 457 Plan be worth?
- What is the impact of increasing my 457 Plan contribution?

Qualified Plan Calculators
- How do I maximize my employer 401(k) match?
- What is my projected required minimum distributions?
- What is the impact of borrowing from my 401(k) plan?
- What is the impact of early withdrawal from my 401(k)?
- I am self-employed, how much can I contribute to a retirement plan?
- Net unrealized appreciation (NUA) vs. IRA rollover?
- What are my Stretch IRA distributions?
- Should I convert to a Roth IRA?
- What will my qualified plan be worth at retirement?
- What is my current year required minimum distribution?
- How much can I contribute to an IRA?
- How much retirement income can my IRA provide?
- What are my lump sum distribution options?
- Evaluate my company pension payout options

Retirement Calculators
- How does inflation impact my retirement income needs?
- When should I begin saving for retirement?
- Should I convert discretionary expenses to savings?
- How much retirement income may my 401(k) provide?
- Compare a Roth 401(k) to a Traditional 401(K)
- How will retirement impact my living expenses?
- How much will I need to save for retirement?
- Are my current retirement savings sufficient?
- Social security retirement income estimator
- I am retired, how long will my savings last?

Saving Calculators
- Becoming a millionaire
- Income generated by a savings plan.
- How long will it take to double my money?
- How long until my savings reach my goal?
- How much should I save to reach my goal?
- Calculate rate of return
- What will my current savings grow to?
- Save now vs. save later
- How do taxes and inflation impact my return?
- What is my effective annual yield?

Taxation Calculators
- Federal Income Tax Estimator (Current Year)
- Will my investment interest be deductible?
- How much self-employment tax will I pay?
- Capital gains (and losses) tax estimator
- Compare taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free growth
- How much of my social security benefit may be taxable?
- What are the tax implications of paying interest?
- Should I itemize or take the standard deduction?
- Tax freedom day
- What is my potential estate tax liability?
- Should I adjust my payroll withholdings?
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